Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Russian Judge Rules Sexual Harassment OK, Since it Ensures Continued Breeding of Human Race
It's just too much. All in one article, a complete refutation by example of why Evolutionary Psychology is bunk. See, if every action we take doesn't answer to that highest value, being, men making more little men by any and all necessary means, that action just isn't worth it. But any action that does? Rape, war and Viagra? Go right ahead, sir.

It actually is weirdly reminiscent of the bizarre arguments all the McCain surrogates are trying to make for his position that health insurance should cover Viagra but not birth control. Because sex is a lifestyle choice for women, but a god-given right for men. Except when men want it from their subordinates at work, at which point it is a requirement for women. MY BRAIN, SHE HURTS.

In other news, we got caught in a torrential downpour at the beach last night, work is funny, and the fam is coming to town. All in all, life is good.

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