Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 wrap up, because one must.

2009... ah.

Well, I’m probably in a lousy position to write about 2009 with any sort of balance or perspective, but that’s what year end wrap-ups are all about. Projecting your current predicament back over a year, or decade, or lifetime. Much like therapy.

In 2009 I
  • wrote a collection of poetry which made me truly proud, earned university honors, and totally escaped the interest and reading of my family (for better and worse).
  • found the sort of group of friends I’d wanted to find all through college, and spent six or so fabulous months with them, writing and match-making and dancing and eating.
  • wrote 50+ cover letters in the face of constant anxiety attacks about the future.
  • turned down three job offers.
  • accepted my first full time, adult job.
  • moved to New York City, most overwhelming place on Earth.
  • played out an inevitable relationship to great success followed by great failure, with the hope of another shot at both.
  • lost my cat, Sadie, who got me through some very dark times and wore a tutu like a champ.
  • started a blog I feel good about sharing with the world.
  • started therapy, medication, and possibly started taking care of myself.
  • co-produced a night of jazz and slam poetry, something totally new to the university and totally awesome by all accounts.
  • performed my poetry for the first time, and promptly forgot how good that can feel.
  • lived, briefly, with two straight boys.
  • missed Chicago more than I ever would have thought possible.
  • watched a friend endure a horrible accident and hospital stay, realized I could do nothing.
  • cooked more, for more people, and realized what a wonderful thing that is.
  • started building real relationships with my siblings as people.

In 2010 I will
  • write more
  • spend more time alone because I want to
  • spend more time with friends because I want to
  • read more books
  • talk to my brother and sister every week
  • explore cities by myself
  • pack my lunch
  • keep my space cleaner
  • do better at working during work time
  • take steps towards law school
  • make casual friends
  • re-learn to just hang out
  • spend time with children
  • make it through another year.

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