Friday, April 25, 2008

I am a grumpy, grumpy girl right now.

On a scale of one to responsible, I'd say I score a "generally on top of my shit." Meaning if there is rain in the forecast, I almost certainly have an umbrella with me. My friends, however, get significantly higher marks in flakiness. Three times in the past two days it has rained, and I have found my walking companion to be without an umbrella. And I can't very well leave them to walk a few feet away, hovering just outside my circle of dryness. So when they ask to share I always say yes. But I am very short. So my companion always feels the need to hold the umbrella. Meaning at the end of the day, the umbrella gets held a solid foot above my head, in such a position as to keep me dry not even a little bit. And I arrive at my destination sopping wet, and my dry friend hands me back the drippy umbrella with a grin. Tall people, you do not know the hell you put us through.

Something in my room smells like cat pee. There is no way to figure out what; once one thing smells like cat pee, absolutely everything is vaguely infected. The only option is to wash everything I own. But I am feeling despondent and generally hopeless, and that is a very daunting process so for now I think I'll just go sleep on the couch or something. Fuckin'... fuck.

1 comment:

Keysmonaut said...

YES I HAVE FOUND YOUR BLOG! I can always use more Dinah in my life.

Be of good cheer, I washed the hats that Sadie peed on and you can't smell it anymore.