Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Indulge me.

I know I'm probably the last one on the Mika train, but I can't stop listening to this sucker.

More media? Ok.
In one of those "I do this only because it keeps my mother happy" moments, I agreed to get a senior portrait done today. Dressing makes me anxious, but I figure I can retain my dignity if I go for Rachel Maddow chic. A little femmier even! Look at me go, ma!

One more, then I promise I'm done.
Schedule for next quarter = SO SWEET. Tues/Thurs only, 11-5, plus a weekly meeting with Ed at some point. So little getting out of bed in the snow. Great great great.

After this I'll be done with every single requirement... technically I guess I have to take one class next quarter. This leaves me room for awesome projects like:
  • Learn photoshop!
  • Retake Creative Nonfiction!
  • Make slam poetry night of magic happen with Eric!
  • Further ingratiate myself with the writing department!
  • Find a job!!!!!!

New reports show a high correlation between people who read a lot and people who are happy. Eat that, television. Also, there is a world outside of Chicago and it treats me a lot better.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Ashley told me that she only has classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, too. Yeah!