Friday, December 5, 2008

love-hate relationship with cable news lands on hate today.

File under: things that are entirely inappropriate.
Girl booted after 'sexting'
Courtesy of, who is selling this headline on a poly-cotton blend t-shirt! The whole situation is maddening -- a boy circulates naked pictures of a cheerleader by texting them to half the high school, and the cheerleader gets suspended. Whaaaaaat? I believe pretty firmly where this is one of those "the punishment IS the crime" situations, and nothing the school could do could possibly match the humiliation that girl is already feeling. But even so, punishing the cheerleader who is already stuck toeing the virgin-whore line of burden, while the jerk who illegally distributed her likeness gets off scott free? Color me repulsed. There should be child pornography charges made, if you ask me. But really, this girl has to live out the duration of her years seeing the not-even-clever CNN pun branded on t-shirts nationwide? I hate news-as-entertainment in most forms, but this one seems particularly repugnant.

In other news:
sweater chair
really beautiful old map
and truly upsetting, Gatsby-esq L Word spoilers.

Finals hopefully done by Tuesday. Gearing up for another roadtrip with the cat and a month of lounging decadently on my mother's gigantic couch and eating warm things.

Also, google analytics tells me that this blog has at least one reader in ALASKA and that I am now getting referrals from google searches for TILA TEQUILA. Mission accomplished.

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